Car-Trailer Camping with Kids in Fort Stevens State Park, OR
Kate O., WA
Where we went:
Fort Stevens State Park, Oregon Coast near Astoria
(country, state, town, specific site/trail)
How we traveled:
Car and A-frame camper trailer
Who we went with:
Enrique, Kate and baby Javi
Some things we packed*(What we actually used?):
Rain/sun shelter (portable awning), rain suit for baby to crawl around in, baby camping chair with eating tray,coffee press, baby carrier
What we ate/ drank around the fire:
Coffee, eggs, bacon, blueberries, toasted cheese sandwiches
What activities we did or games we played:
We fished at the lake, hiked around the lake, dug in the sand at the beach, had a campfire, found the local kid-friendly brewery
A word to describe the trip:
Favorite moment of the trip:
Surprise sun when it was supposed to be rainy the whole time
What you took a mental picture of but couldn’t capture with a photo?
Bright stars on a clear night around the campfire
Did anything remarkable or synchronous happen?
What we listened to or a theme song for the trip:
Kids songs in Spanish
Was it kid or dog-kid friendly?
Would you bring your parents or grandparents?
Would you visit again?
Lessons-learned for future trips/ visit tips you’d share with your friends:
Always plan for all weather in the PNW. Always have snacks. Always. And the beauty is in the small
What’s up next on your bucket list? I’d love to continue down the Oregon Coast and visit Nehalem Bay State Park with Javi.